Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Fifteen Random Facts About Me

This is different from the past post I have created. I always wanted this blog to be more about me and less about what I think. I still want to add in makeup tutorials and reviews, but I wanted it to be more for about my life. It was very hard for me to write about something that is relative to me, because I thought I was pretty boring. But at this point I'm throwing in the towel and saying who cares?! So here we go, a little about me.

1. I am going to school to be a radiologist. This is actually my second major. When I first started college I was all about going to nursing school, but recently I had a lot of family issues over the past year where we would be in hospitals all day long, and I realized I would not be able to handle nursing. (I appreciate nurses so much more, and I applaud everything that they do. They are amazing people.) I did still want to be in the health care field and radiology was something that I could put my use of technology into too.

2. I have four pets. I have two dogs, Puppy and Copper, and also two guinea pigs, Clementine and Darla. I love them so very much.

3. I am in love with Disney. I always have been. I grew up with Disney, and it still holds a special place in my heart. There is just something so great about Disney that makes me so happy.

4. My favorite season is fall. I love the warm colors, and big sweaters. I feel like fall is the only descent season we have in Chicago. I am not a summer girl at all. I much rather be wearing jeans and an oversized knitted sweater than wearing shorts and a tank top. I also love the fact that everything smells so good in fall. Pumpkin spice everything!

5. I am a homebody. As pathetic as it is for someone to be in their twenties, I love being at home. I much rather have a good book or a Netflix night than go out to the club and go drinking. I also don't have many friends my age because of this, because they are all going out on Friday nights and I just want to go to bed because I had a long week. Blogs and Tumblr are my friends!

6. I have been in a relationship with the same person for over 3 years. My boyfriend and I started dating right after our graduation day in high school (literally right after). We have never broken up or taken a break from each other. I love him dearly and I couldn't be more happier with anyone else.

7. I am 100% Polish. My parents both moved here from Poland, however I was born and raised in Illinois. However, I was brought up with the traditions and yes I speak fluent Polish. Not so good at reading or writing, but I'm getting there ;).

8. I love writing, which is mostly why I started this blog. I have been writing since as long as I could remember. I have always had a journal and I have written plenty of short stories.

9. My favorite holiday is Halloween. This goes with my previous fact, but I just love everything about Halloween. I love everything scary, the pumpkins, the colors, and dressing up. I love being able to do costume makeup for Halloween.

10. I have horrible anxiety. It hasn't been as bad lately, but for the past 7-9 years I have had panic attacks, insomnia, crazy nightmares, you name it. I worry about a lot and stress gets to me a lot faster than it does to most people. I have been on and off medication for it for a few years and for the most part it's been kept under control recently.

11. I hate snow. I always had, but this past winter has made me hate it even more. Everything about it sucks, unless you are inside under a blanket with a cup of hot cocoa in your hands watching it fall from the sky. Sure its pretty, but once you get outside in it, it's just the most annoying thing ever.

12. I love doing makeup, but I do not depend on it. I don't feel like makeup gives me my beauty. Sure it helps, but I have no problem going to the store or to see my man with a bare face. I do makeup for me to have fun. It's another way that I am able to use my creativity for something useful.

13. I love talking to people but I am so shy. I miss a lot of opportunists to make new friends because I can't find anything to ever say to new people. I am seriously the loudest most funniest person you will ever meet, but it takes a lot for me to open up to someone.

14. I have changed my hair color to about every single color you can think of. I have had black hair, red hair, pink hair, orange hair, blue hair, green hair, purple hair, and even blonde hair. My natural color is brown, and I have finally decided I am done with coloring my hair crazy colors. I am staying within my brown color scheme.

15. I love coffee. I can drink coffee all day everyday. But the way I take my coffee is lots of cream and sugar. So it's barely any coffee. But I have tried almost every single Dunkin Donuts flavored coffee and haven't found one I didn't like so far.

So that's it for now you guys! I hope you enjoyed it. Stay tuned for more.
Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

  1. Ale super i ten amerykanski usmiech :) pozdrawiam z Niemiec :)
